With Cinamaker live streaming (and recording) is as easy as pressing the red button on the main PREVIEW screen.

Before you can live stream it's important that you get your streaming accounts set up. The good news is Cinamaker makes it easy.  Cinamaker has direct integration with Facebook, YouTube, and Linkedin, which means all you have to do is log in with your credentials and you can begin live streaming instantly.  

For RTMP destinations like Twitch, Periscope and others you will select 'Manual RTMP' and enter the 1) stream URL and 2) stream key provided by your live streaming provider. You will Enter those unique identifiers into Cinamaker's Manual RTMP dialog box (see below). As soon as you click "start" your live stream with Cinamaker should begin immediately. 

We encourage you to have the live stream interface from your provider available on a computer or mobile device to confirm the stream is live.

NOTE: When you are finished with your live stream, Cinamaker recommends to return to YouTube, Facebook, Twitch, etc. and manually stop your event from within the streaming provider's platform when using their RTMP URL and unique stream key.