Here are two methods for capturing audio from an external source, such as an audio mixing board/console or digital audio interface into a Mac running Cinamaker Director Studio.

Option 1

1. You will bring your mixing board into your Mac via USB cable.
2. Your Mac system Sound settings must reflect the external audio source from your mixing board 
3. In Cinamaker Audio settings (the Menu item with music note) select "Current device" as your desired audio source. This will be the output from your audio board.

Option 2

Alternatively, if you  run into logistical issues running a cable between the mixing board to the Mac running Cinamaker, try this:
1. You will bring your church mixing board via USB cable into an iPhone or iPad running Cinamaker Capture. When you open Capture, select "Audio" as your capture item. Cinamaker Capture will indicate "USB Audio" (rather than "Internal") as your audio source.
2.  In Cinamaker Director Studio Audio settings (the Menu item with music note) select the iOS device that is being used to capture audio only.  This will be the output from your audio board.

NOTE: Your Cinamaker Capture device (iPhone or iPad) must be on the same Wifi network and share the same Network ID as Cinamaker Director Studio for your Capture device to appear in Director Studio.